40 PlusHealthy Life Style

40 PlusHealthy Life Style
Ishwar Sharma and Indira Sharma will be performing in IIW (Inspiring Indian Women) on occasion of Indian Republic Day, 2022. Event is held on 29 January,2022. at 3 pm UK…
Ishwar, Indira and Dr. Vishwanath will take part in the UK National Championship of Yoga Sports 2021!
PM Boris Johnson honors yoga prodigy Ishwar Sharma with Point Of Light award
NAVIKA would like to Recognize, Appreciate, Acknowledge & Honor individuals amongst us in our NRI Kannada Community who are Exemplary Role models, Motivators, source of inspiration and Leaders.
This event is held on February 01,2021. Ishwar is Brand Ambassodor of Yogasana Championship and will be addressing the event. This is organized by Gurukul Kangri University, India
The event was organized by SKM yoga. Ishwar will be performing. This event is live on Facebook and Instagram
Everest yoga Institute has organized International Youth Yoga festival. Ishwar has performed with his teacher Nutan Rameshwari. The topic selected was Life transforming Ashtanga Yoga Artist.
Everest yoga Institute has organized International Yoga festival. Dr. Vishwanath and Ishwar Sharma will be performing acroyoga.
This talk was organized by Global child prodigy. Happy to be part of it.